Saturday, October 2, 2010

Hiya blog world! A little insight into where we are right now.

I have wanted to get a blog up and going for what seems like forever now. I've put it off because I had no idea what to blog about, and I still haven't really figured that out. Mostly you'll come here, if anyone chooses to at all, and discover things about my little family. And, from time to time I'll get posts up about my baking ventures (which aren't always so successful).

Anyway, here we go!
As of now, Matthew and I are rushing to find a home (or a pod hee hee) for our family. Moving date is no later than November 16th so I'm starting to feel the heat! We think we've gotten our search narrowed down to two cute little houses, and we'd be so blessed to be in either. We find comfort in knowing we'll end up wherever God wants us; and, really, what more could we ask for?

Our not-so-little-anymore bundle, Scarlett, is just growing and growing. She's a joyful, hilarious little thing. She's delighting in standing on her own now, and we know walking is right around the corner. How exciting AND terrifying! She's hit most milestones way before what is average, but lagged far behind in one area- teeth! We've waited and waited for those little buggers to show up, and it seems they finally have. Her nose has been running like a faucet all week and my mother's intuition (this is a real thing, I swear) told me, this is it. And yesterday- that intuition was finally satisfied. I rubbed my finger along her bottom gum, which is always a battle in itself, and felt a sharp little point in there. Yay! So, okay, she doesn't have a whole tooth yet, but I'll take it. I love that little piece of tooth just as much as I would a whole one. Am I the most quintessential, sappy mother you've ever met or what?

As for Matt and myself, things are pretty much the same as always. As a couple, we've discovered the most personal relationship with Jesus that either of us have ever had before. Big miracles haven't happened as a result of this, yet anyway, but life is a whole new ballgame now that we have a larger grasp of Christ's love for us.

So, that's it for now. I'll post some pictures I found on my camera that I've neglected to post on my FB (bad momma! bad!), because I've been too darn busy. Hope you'll check back in with us here and there. And, we'll update you on those miracles as they come!

PS. THANK YOU to my lovely in every way friend, Mary, for helping me make such a cute blog! She truly is a "Jane of all trades" as I like to call her!

Giving my darling a bath at FBC Family Camp.
Scarlett at Family Camp with her cousin, Kylah. They did this a lot.
Love these girls!
Scarlett's first time getting sick. We felt so bad
because we kept laughing at our little
"old fashioned baby!"